Beginners Guide

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*This was written a while ago, so some things may be out of date. The basics, however, should be satisfactory until someone adds a better tutorial.*

Beginners Tutorial

Welcome to HoboWars Beginner's Tutorial. This tutorial will cover the basics of HoboWars and how to jump straight into the game.



Fighting is one of the three classes in HoboWars and can be done by anyone. The battle ladder can be found on the battle page.

1.1 - How to get Started

You can start fighting at any point in the game and can fight one of three. You can only fight if your alive and can heal at the hopsital for a variable cost. Where they are located and how to fight them:

- [1] Trolley Boy: Located at WalMart where there will be an option to fight him if you haven't beaten him yet.

- [2] Old Man: Corner 7/11, there will be an option to rob the frail old man. You can attack him to either steal some money or deliberately die to preserve your win percentage.

- [3]Other Players: Located on side menu and labelled Battle! or City > Hobo Meeting Area > Start a fight. On the battle page enter the HoboName/ID and click search. After their page comes up, you may enter their profile and click attack hobo or click battle.

1.2 - Battling another hobo

Battle whoever you think you can beat. The deciding factor of the battle is stats and weapons so make sure your stats and weapons are greater than your opponents. Attacking costs 5 awakeness.

1.3 - Leveling

Leveling occurs when you reach the amount of experience needed. Experience is gained by beating other hobos. The higher level their hobo is, the more experience you will gain. You can view how much experience you have before leveling by viewing your living area. Higher levels help with higher stat gains.

1.4 - Fighting Stats

Fighting stats are the basics of a fighter and will determine who the stronger hobo is. The stats are:

Speed - The higher the speed you have the more hits you will get in against another hobo.

Power - Increases damage that you will do to another hobo.

Strength - Increases defence and adds a little bit of damage.

You can train these stats at Primary School, High School and University.

1.5 - Weapons

Weapons are rather essential in fighting, weapons add to damage whereas armor adds to defense. You may purchase them from Toys-R-Us or from Gangs. Gangs may lend you branded weapons.

3. Slutting

Slutting is the act of repeatedly healing up and attacking someone so they will gain experience.

3.1 Slut/Get Slutted Benefits

Slutting is a highly profitable class and early on will fetch you lots of money compared to a begger. However, once your win % hits 50% or less, you'll most likely be payed alot less due to the fact you'll be giving 50% experience. In the long term, a beggar will make substantial and reliable money whereas sluts will have to find a client that pays what they want.

Getting slutted can be costly so you should financially plan. If you can afford it, the benefits are: - Gaining levels - Gaining wins/battles/win rate - Not having to use awakeness to attack another hobo to gain experience

Took out a lot of the links, too lazy to add them. If anyone wants to, shoot.
