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Adventures are a story-line addition to Hobowars.

The Unusually Large Backpack

The Unusually Large Backpack contains items used in adventures.

Backpack Items

These items are used in various adventures and activities.


Beta testing items. No longer used

Bowling Shoes

Required to go Bowling. Can be purchased at the flea market.

Bus Pass

It allows you to begin your adventure by taking the short bus to Ye Olde City.


Can be changed to a lasso, jump rope, bow, or left untied.


Hey, there isn't a single map in this atlas! What a rip off!



Hair of the Dog




Second City Locations

These are the locations that are available after you get to the Second City
City Map
The city map is how you move around in the Second City. It will show all of the places you can go. You can find it in your backpack.

Bowling Alley

You can bowl for 15T. You must have the bowling shoes equipped in order to bowl. The bowling shoes may be found at the flea market. To equip(once bought), click on the icon in your backpack. You will have 2 opponents to select from initially. Once you beat one you will open up a third opponent.

Boxing Stadium

A sign outside the stadium reads: No fights today! Go home!

Bus Station

The Bus Station links you to the first City

City Hall

The place to beg(like the 7/11). Here you will receive half the cash, but randomly some hobos receive millions from the Mayor.


The docks will show "Nobody else around the docks tonight." Until certain side adventures are completed in which case you will be able to buy special foods not available elsewhere.

Liquor Store

You need an ID in order to buy anything from the liquor store. Without an ID you will be Rickrolled.


Will read "The bouncer turns you away at the door." Until certain adventures are completed. Once available you can dance which will make small amounts of money and possible find Disco Rats.


You can visit the Flea Market and buy several items that you may need.

Parking Garage

You must pay $100 to get in. Once you you may participate in a Fight Club. Your first opponent is Tyler Durden. You can find other other opponents as you complete different portions of adventures. Tyson gain levels and stats the more times you fight him, the higher the level he gets, the more time you have to beat him before he gains another one. As his levels rises, so do his stats accordingly.

Phone Booth

Unlabeled on the map, located next to the Red Light District. Your adventures are assigned from here from The Boss.

Red Light District

You can explore for 3T. Random encounters/fights will get you money and/or stats.

Train Station

The train station appears to be shut down. Every once in a while a train rolls by, but they never stop. Some hobos loiter about near the tracks.