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Awake, or "T" (as it is most commonly referred to), is required for the majority of actions in HoboWars. Picking a fight, training at school, etc. all take some T. Exploring does not use T. You can have a maximum of 100T at any time. In FBHW it is possible to increase by 5T with every 25 levels to the maximum of 250T.

Awake can be regenerated in eight ways:


Your awake will regenerate over time.

  • On HoboWars, your awake will increase by 5T every 10 minutes for Donators, and 5T every 15 minutes for Non-Donators.
  • On HoboWars2, your awake will increase by 5T every 10 minutes for Donators, and 5T every 15 minutes for Non-Donators.
  • On Facebook HoboWars, your awake will increase 10T every 5 minutes for Donators, and 10T every 10 minutes for Non-Donators.
  • On HoboArena, your awake will increase 100T every 90 minutes for Donators, and 100T every 120 minutes for Non-Donators.


Eating food will replenish some awake. You can eat 5 items every reset. It is best to eat the meals that give you the most T possible because of this limit. You cannot eat a meal if you have 100T or more. Extra meals can be consumed by visiting the Wellness Clinic, smoking in the Fighter's Lounge, eating Stomach Parasites, running into the Dreadlocked Dude and drinking Hungry Hippos.

  • On HoboArena, your meals will regenerate by 1 every 3 hours for Donators, and 1 every 4 hours for Non-Donators.

Point Refills

You can replenish 100T by trading in points.

  • On HoboWars and HoboWars2, trading 5 Points for a 100T. This can only be done twice per reset.
  • On Facebook HoboWars and HoboArena, you trade 3 Points for 100T. This can be done 5 times per reset.

Token Refills

Similar to point refills, you can trade in tokens for awake. (Unavailable on HoboArena)

  • Trading 50k tokens for a refill - Adds 50T to your awake bar. Can only be done once per day (reset at Major 12AM reset).


Some versions allow voting, which will replenish awake. Each vote option is limited to once per day (reset at Major 12AM reset).

  • Voting at AWG - 15T. (Unavailable on HoboWars2 and HoboArena)
  • Voting at TWG - 15T. (Unavailable on HoboArena)

Hobo Grail

  • Drinking from the Hobo Grail gains 10T or 15T, once per day (reset at Major 12AM reset).


Awake is sometimes rewarded as a special prize for various activities.


  • Wish #28 - A refill (100T) (one-time only)