Hobo Beach

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The Beach in Canbodia is the site of one part of your adventures in Canbodia. After completing the adventures there, you may play a Stratego clone for 30T. There are currently 5 maps, for a five-game cycle. Winning the game earns a Smart Bread.

How To Play


The players are each given a identical set of units, with numbers from 1 to 5, as well as a flag piece and a number of mines and minesweepers. Some maps also include the spy piece. Initially, all pieces are facedown and are unknown to the opponent. The game is played in turns in which each player is able to move a single piece. Whoever moves a unit onto their enemy's flag first wins.


Combat occurs when a player moves one of their pieces onto an enemy's. In general, the lowest number wins, however in the case of lettered pieces, the rules are slightly different.
  • Numbered piece - 1, 2, 3, 4 - Lowest number wins. Tie goes to attacker.
  • F - Flag - Loses to all pieces. If lost, the game is over.
  • B - Bomb - Defeats all pieces except Minesweeper. Cannot move.
  • M - Minesweeper - Loses to all pieces, except bombs and flags.
  • S - Spy - Loses to all pieces except for 1 and flag.


  • Rambo - Run in and try and wipe them out with your 1.
  • Trap - Let them come to you.