Sluts and Rapes

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Revision as of 10:26, 27 May 2010 by Doody (Talk | contribs)

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There are two ways to make quick cash or to level up on this game, but like most shortcuts it has it's downsides.


Slutting is the act of attacking a hobo and losing intentionally. Some hobos want to level quickly, so they will hire a slut who will use their [T|Awake] so the purchaser does not have to use there own.

Penguin Slutting

This is a variation of slutting where the one performing the slut has higher stats and can beat the purchaser. The purchasing hobo drinks a Sorrowful Penguin and becomes Status_Effects. This results in the hobo that is attacking to lose, even though they would have won in a normal fight.


Rapes are similar to slutting, except the purchasing hobo is using up their [T|Awake] instead of the slut. Rapes are generally cheaper than sluts for that reason.