Ed and Oli

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Ed and Oli are a notorious duo who for their moments in the Hobo sun, decided to try and piss everyone off. This is not to say they didn't do well at it. This is just to say they were rather annoying. While we are currently not aware of who they are or why they actually do this, we can be assured that they will reply to this article should they read it. I would encourage them to do so, as both sides to this story only add to our rich past.


Once Ed and Oli compromised an account, they would post proudly on the message board in pink and bold font in typical AOL speak. Money traded hands, but it is doubtful they were using this as a method to gather funds, but moreso to expose the idiocy of some users.

Round 1: Ed And Oli And the Phishing Scam

In January of 2007, Ed and Oli first struck with an interesting little scam: they distributed an Hobomail around indicating the existance of a new server. At the time, the server was running quite slow, so people were drawn in. The link attached to their mail did not direct to a Hobowars server -- it went to a site which completely mirrored a Hobowars login. When people attempted to login, they were told the server was not yet up. In reality, their username and password were added to an archive that Ed and Oli would use to login to their account. Numerous accounts were compromised, but the vast majority were newer players who were not familiar to such scams. This mess was cleaned up with various reminders to not sign in on anything not publically announced by the Man, Andy himself.

Round 2: Ed and Oli and Javascript Debauchery!

Occuring as this is written, on Saturday, Febuary 24th, 2007, Ed and Oli have unveiled a new menace. Using Javascript seeded into Hobomails, they snatch the address bar off of anyone who witnesses their jumbled mail. While safeguards against this attack exist on the forum already, the mailboxes of our good hobos are currently undefended. This attack was particularly ingenious, as they were able to attack even older players, such as staff, before a notice was released. The population has been "vaccinated" against this attack and will likely be cleaned up shortly.
More as it arises.