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Information from Binary ID=67628

I am asked question about begging on a regular basis, so in order to cut down on the amount of mail I receive I thought I'd put my advice up for everyone to see.

4 Things affect your cash per beg, Beg stat, Intel, Hobo level, and gang beg level.


Intel should be maxed before you start full time begging, or full time anything really.
1000 intel will triple the amount of cash you get per beg.

Beg stat

Not much to say about beg stat, just beg a lot and it goes up slowly. The stat gain per beg rises slowly, then when you reach 100 beg the gain halves and starts rising again... then halves again at 200 beg

Beg Upgrades

I started back before levelling was so easy, so I've gained most of my levels from begging itself.
Once you hit 50 beg stat buy the first upgrade and start begging while alive. Don't worry about the money you lose, over time the extra levels will more than make up for that. Get all the upgrades as soon as you can as each upgrade increases the amount of EXP you get per beg.
Don't believe me? I've never begged while dead since the EXP from begging was introduced and look how far I come.
Upgrade numberBegging stat neededFunds needed
Upgrade 150$500,000
Upgrade 2100$1,000,000
Upgrade 3200$2,000,000
Upgrade 4300$3,000,000
Upgrade 5500$5,000,000

Other Sources of EXP

Sluts/rapes are useful too if you can find any worth using.
I'm guessing the quick leveling to 100 thing a lot of fighters are doing would be helpful to beggars as well, but it wasn't possible back when I started so I don't have any direct experience.

Gang Beg level

Gang beg level helps but it's best choose a good gang that you get along well with rather than base you choice just on beg level.

Point Refills

Do them as often as possible, I started doing them back when it took me 2 days to save the cash for 1 refill. At first the cost of the refill will be much more than the cash from begging but the extra beg stat/EXP will start to pile up over time and you will break even and then start making a profit

Fighting Stats/Rats

Not much can protect you from fighters at the same level or higher than yourself.
I do 2 things to help my draw or win fights with lower level fighters:
1) Your rat can usually do a lot more damage than you can so train it's agility to make sure it gets as many hits in as possible
2)Train Strength, this will reduce the damage done to you and can drag the fight out longer giving your rat time to do more damage or causing a draw.
Don't spend too much time training or your begging will fall behind. The 2 best times to train are when theres someone refreshing your profile and not letting you get 1 beg in before dieing, and when you get as 14+ at the University.