Piggy Bank

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Revision as of 23:41, 21 April 2012 by Jules (Talk | contribs)

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You pick up your little pink piggy bank and shake it around...it sounds like you have $-,--- in it.

The piggy bank is split up into four sections. Withdraw, Deposit, Transfer Funds and Transfer Points.

Withdraw allows you to withdraw any money you have in your bank. ⇒ Deposit allows you to keep your money safe and away from muggers. ⇒ Transfer Funds is how you send money to friends and gang members. Type in how much money you want to transfer and who you want to send it to, press the "Transfer Funds" button and it will be transferred directly to the person you want to send it to. ⇒ Transfer Points is pretty much the same as the Transfer Funds but this time you can use it with points instead.