Traveling Carnival

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The Traveling Carnival appears for 2-4 days in a row at least once every 10 days.

It is an event, that has 3 spots to visit, as follows:

Internet tent

Use this tent to redeem your Wonka bar wrappers. These can give you various rewards.

  • Wonka Bars can be found Dumpster Diving at the 7/11
    • It is common to find "The Golden Ticket" when you redeem your first wrapper. It has no purpose at this time.

Fizzy Lifting Tent

Using a Fizzy lifting soda, you can use this tent to acquire random stat gains until you hit the bottom. These gains are typically higher than your training level.

  • fizzy lifting sodas can be found dumpster diving

Technicolor Tent/Jungle

This is the main feature of the carnival. To access it, you must be level 70, and have the shears. These are unlocked at level 70.

Typically, one would find the most benefit to explore in here, when the " air is so thick you could swim in it". This will yield more berries. Berries = more gains to stats and especially, health.