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Kings Cup
Category Backpack Item
Version Availability All

The Kings Cup is your grand reward for completing the Third City Adventures. The Cup helps you increase your drinking stats by providing you with a bonus if you can solve a simple game quiz more or less similar to University.

It is a relatively common item.

The game consists of a 4x4 grid of the 5 types of alcohol provided (Drinking) Shots, Beer, Wine, Mixed, Liquor and a -1 circle. You change the circles to increase your overall score. Each circle can be changed either with the rule horizontal, vertical or even all the grid as a whole. The objective is to have the highest combination.

When entering the KIngs cup you will see on top the following: Bonus: +0

To Increase Bonus: Drink ...(type of alcohol) at 5 or higher

should you succeed, your cup bonus will increase by one, the puzzle will reset and you will be able to drink above the 500 drinking limit.

Requirements for Drinking Stat gain

Drink Stat King's Cup Puzzle King's Cup Bonus
0+ 0 0
100+ 0 0
200+ 0 0
300+ 1 0
400+ 3 0
500+ 5 0
600+ 7 1
700+ 9 2
800+ 11 3
900+ 13 4
1,000+ 15 5
1,100+ 17 6

List of Locations and Costs

HoboWars and HoboWars2

Second City

Complete last day of Adventure Set.

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Second City

Complete last day of Adventure Set.