Slugworth's Evil Fortress
The dark counterpart of the Chocolate Factory, base of operations for Arthur Slugworth. Slugworth's Evil Fortress is unlocked on Day 13 of the Hoburbia Adventures.
The Evil Fortress can be entered only after talking to the Newspaper Man in Second City. Once you gain access to the illustrious factory, various parts of it will become unlocked as you progress through the Hoburbia Adventures.
Executive Dungeon
Wonka gets locked-up and tortured in here. The Dungeon Security Clearance Badge is required to gain access.
Evil Factory Entrance
Home to the Arthur Slugworth's Claw-o-Matic, this place is a source to prank other unsuspecting hobos. In order to operate the Claw-o-Matic, you must have a pair of Green Gloves equipped in your backpack. Its cost is 1T per use. The Claw-o-Matic is used to grab hobos that have recently explored the city based on the coordinates you use. When you successfully grab a hobo, you will steal up to $10,000 cash they have on hand & give them an adverse status effect; Emasculated, Lubed Up, or Tranquilized.
Offices of the Board Of Evil Directors
This is where you defeat the Loompa-Eating Moose on Day 14.
Dark Chocolate Room
Contains a river of chocolate, as well as random edibles which can give you various status effects; Burning Belly, Calcium Rich, or Lightningy. You can also find Candy Cigarettes here.
Deinventing Room
This is home to the Ripaparter, a machine that splits your edibles apart.
The device allows you to de-invent certain food items and backpack items, creating 2 new food items or, more often than not, a useless cube of garbage.
The following is a list of food items that can be de-invented here:
Fizzy Falling Soda Pit
The only place to buy Bar of Lead. For 5T you can leap into the pit, but you must have the Lead Heavy status effect to descend into it. If you safely reach the bottom and have the Flashlight, you can find cash or random pawnable items like the Golden Goose Egg.
Scheming Room
Evil things happen here.
Evil Executive Suite
The room where you defeat Slugworth. A plaque shows the quickest Slugworth Slayers and the longest conflicts.