Template:Info Table

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Revision as of 13:08, 24 March 2010 by DoctorKnow (Talk | contribs)

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{{Food Item
|id= (Food does have an ID #. If you don't know it, don't worry about it.)
|image= (The URL of the food item's image.)
|name= (The food item's name.)
|tgain= (T Gain, e.g. +10 T)
|sgain= (Stat Gain, e.g. +1 Intelligence)
|effect= (Status effect link or a description, i.e. clear out stomach and liver.)
|loc1= (First location.)
|cost1= (Cost of item from first location.)
|loc2= (Second location. Does not need to be included if there is no second location.)
|cost2= (Cost of item from second location. Doe not need to be included if there is no second location.)
|loc3= (See loc2.)
|cost3= (See cost2.)
|otherinfo= (Additional information such as Easter eggs, cautions, etc. go here as a paragraph of text.)
|ingredients= (Components of food item, i.e. Red Hots + Gasoline)
|sepyield= (Yield from separation, i.e. Single-Single & Single-Single)
|info1= (Information such as "A Faberge Cream Egg ingredient." goes here.
|info2= (See info1.)

If something doesn't need to be included, simply don't include it.