Canbodia Adventures
From Hobowars Wiki
Canbodia Adventures!
The Canbodia Adventure set is the third and final large adventure set to be released in Hobowars. It is built off of the theme of Apocalypse Now.
In the past, Canbodia could be completed as soon as you got the Wonka Boat from Hoburbia and saw the hatch in the city. But recent changes have been made to delay this start until you complete the Hoburbia Adventures in their entirety.
There may eventually be a small help guide that provides clues and details regarding the days of the adventures. However there will NOT be any spoilers given out.
List of Unique Items Received
HW1 / HW2 / FBHW
Day 1
- Anarchy Patch
- Bottle of Glue
- Fake ID
- Dossier
Day 6
- Canbodian Map
- Smart Bread
- Ruiner's Rum
Day 7
Day 8
- Canbodian Jungle Map (optional)
Day 9
- Lucky Screwdriver
- Mixer
Day 11
- Garden Shears