Page Maker: Kirby (555581)
As you all know there is a Casino in Hobowars, if you are ever low on money, you can always go there. There are two games to play:
The jackpot is where you $50 and you will immediately receive a ticket number, if you ever find the lucky number, you are sure to be a rich Hobo. The pot of the Jackpot changes everytime a Hobo buys a can buy any amount of tickets you want.
Slot Machine
The slot machine is a great way to earn that daily cash you need for food refills, daily training etc.
Turns allowed per Reset: 50
Here are the betting prices:
• First row [$10]
• First and second row [$20]
• All 3 rows [$30]
• All rows and colums [$100]
There is even a saved script that allows you to check your overall cash won to-date, your cash won today etc.
It goes like this:
Games Left: 50
Won Today: $0
Won Total: $0
Highest Win: $0
The Casino is just by luck, so don't feel down if you never win... afterall Gambling is just for fun^^.