Findables that are only present in Facebook Hobowars dumpster are marked with a light blue background.
Findables that are only present in Facebook Hobowars dumpster and that require the Magnet to obtain are marked with a pink background.
Facebook Only Findable Booze
Facebook Only Findable Pawnables
Findables that are only present in Facebook Hobowars dumpster are marked with a light blue background.
Findables that are only present in Facebook Hobowars dumpster and that require the Magnet to obtain are marked with a pink background.
Dumpster Diving Rewards
All versions
Facebook HoboWars Only
Findables that are only present in Facebook Hobowars dumpster are marked with a light blue background.
Findables that are only present in Facebook Hobowars dumpster and that require the Magnet to obtain are marked with a pink background.
Dumpster Diving Rewards
All versions
Facebook HoboWars Only