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Revision as of 06:35, 31 May 2011

Mining is an new activity introduced after the completion of the Canbodian adventures. Mining is a potentially rewarding endeavour in which one mines the deep underdark of Canbodia in search of rare ore. This rare ore can then be used to 'trade' stat points from one stat to the other, ultimately allowing for fine-tuning of fighting builds that were impossible before. Besides the fighting aspect, there are also a number of uses for Hobalt relating to Rings and odd pawnable rewards.


Mining is quite simple; once one has stepped into the mines, much like adventure exploring, you move upto a wall. Attempting to move into the wall opens up the mining interface, in which the wall is displayed along with your tools. Simply click on the tool you want to use and click on the spots on the wall on which you wish to mine; you should click to place all your moves or use the auto-mine feature. By using tools other than the pickaxe, such as the one-shot explosive tools, you will uncover more dirt than you did before.
By mining on the off-coloured marks on the wall, you will find ores and gain mining stat points. There are other chances to gain mining stats, such as rescuing a player trapped by a cave-in and other random bonuses granting walking around the mine. As you continue to strike the wall, the integrity of the wall will fall until it collapses from your efforts, leaving any unharvested ore out of reach. This will allow you to rescue other players and travel to the depths of the mines.


In order to begin mining, all one requires is a Pickaxe; the other items simply prevent injury and provide more moves and bonuses, giving you more strikes per T and thus greater yields. The explosive items are consumed immediately after use and clears more space than the pickaxe will.
The higher order explosives use more than one move, but their explosive yield is quite impressive.
Image Equipment Stats Cost Image Explosives Stats Cost

 !a -9999  !a -$99999999 -999999
Pickaxe.gif Pickaxe Blast Radius: 6
Blast Strength: 7
Moves: 1
$1,000,000 Dynamite-Stick.gif Dynamite Stick Blast Radius: 9
Blast Strength: 9
Moves: 1
Miners-Cap.gif Miner's Cap Prevents injury from cave-ins. $2,000,000 Bundle-of-Dynamite.gif Bundle of Dynamite Blast Radius: 15
Blast Strength: 10
Moves: 2
Need 50 Mining
Pockets.gif Pockets Moves: +1
Need 100 Mining
$5,000,000 Bomb.gif Bomb Blast Radius: 9
Blast Strength: 11
Moves: 1
Need 150 Mining
Spelunking-Satchel.gif Spelunking Satchel +1 Move
+1 Blast Radius
+1 Blast Strength
Need 200 Mining
$7,500,000 Plastic-Explosives.gif Plastic Explosives Blast Radius: 12
Blast Strength: 13
Moves: 2
Need 250 Mining

Dynamite-Pouch.gif Dynamite Pouch +2 Move
Need 300 Mining
$10,000,000 TNT.gif TNT Blast Radius: 16
Blast Strength: 15
Moves: 3
Need 350 Mining
Blast-Jacket.gif Blast Jacket +2 Move
+1 Blast Radius
+1 Blast Strength
Need 400 Mining

Ore Types

All ore can be traded at a net 'profit' for stats; ores of unwanted colours can be traded at a rate of 5:3 for the colour of your choice at the Miner's Depot at the Mine Entrance.
Image Name Trade Image Name Trade
 !a -9999  !a -$99999999 -999999
Green-Ore.gif Green Ore Speed to Strength White-Ore.gif White Ore Power to Strength
Yellow-Ore.gif Yellow Ore Power to Speed Orange-Ore.gif Orange Ore Strength to Speed
Red-Ore.gif Red Ore Strength to Power Purple-Ore.gif Purple Ore Speed to Power
Hobalt-Shard.gif Hobalt Shard Trade 50 for a Hobalt Chunk, 1 piece for 3 coloured ores or 250 pieces for the Ring of Revelation. Hobalt-Chunk.gif Hobalt Chunk Used to craft rings or trade for 50 Hobalt Shards.