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Equipment Panel
An equipment panel with two rings equipped.
An equipment panel with a Water Cannon, Mithril Garbage Bin, and two rings, Gold Ring with Diamond and Beggar Ring.
[U] = Unequip
View List = Inventory


In HoboWars, weapons increase the amount of damage you inflict on your opponent, and armor decreases the amount of damage you receive from your opponent. The easiest way to obtain weapons and armor is by purchasing them from places that sell them, or by receiving them from a gang. Both weapons and armor are equipped from your Living Area and only affect your attack or defense when equipped. You can only have one weapon and one piece of armor equipped at a time; you cannot dual-wield weapons or double-up on armor. Once a weapon or piece of armor is equipped, you can unequip it by clicking on [U]. Every single weapon and piece of armor that you own, equipped or unequipped, is located in your Inventory, which is viewed by clicking on the View List link on the Equipment Pane. From the Inventory, you can equip your weapons and armor, sell them, or donate them to your gang. Weapons and armor received from gangs are branded, meaning that you cannot sell them or put them on the SGHM. You must donate branded equipment back to a gang before you can leave it. Powerful weapons and strong armor are either expensive to buy or difficult to come by, so it recommended to join a gang that has a well-stocked armory full of powerful weapons and strong armor.

In Hobowars, you might have noticed that a minus sign (–) is used to describe defense. This is because armor is programmed to decrease the amount of damage inflicted on its wearer. However, this description of defense can often be confusing to people and inconvenient to work with. Therefore, in the Help Wiki, a plus sign (+) is used instead to describe defense. In simpler terms, the game's usage of "–1500 Defense" has the same meaning as the Help Wiki's usage of "+1500 Defense."
  • Locations, Cash values and Pawn Points are color coded according to version. HoboWars is blue text, HoboWars2 is red text, and Facebook HoboWars is green text.


The following is a list of all the weapons found in the game, as well as information pertaining to their stats, locations, and costs.

Basic Weapons

Basic Weapons
Image Name Stats Location Cost ($) Cost (PP)
 !a -9999  !a -$99999999 -999999
NoSymbol.gif None +0 Attack
The Amish
Status Effect
Paper-Cup.gif Paper Cup +4 Attack Toy Store $400 99999
Slurpee-Cup.gif Slurpee Cup +6 Attack Duncan's House $1
Plastic-Spoon.gif Plastic Spoon +8 Attack Toy Store $1,600 99999
Rocks.gif Rocks +12 Attack Toy Store $3,600 99999
Rubber-Knife.gif Rubber Knife +20 Attack Toy Store $10,000 99999
Bloody-Knife.gif Bloody Knife +25 Attack 7/11 Industrial Bin $2
Metal-Knife.gif Metal Knife +30 Attack Toy Store $22,500 99999
Small-Stick.gif Small Stick +40 Attack Toy Store $40,000 99999
Cricket-Bat.gif Cricket Bat +50 Attack
Bonus Effect**
Dark Pit‏‎
Large-Stick.gif Large Stick +50 Attack
Toy Store $62,500 99999
Pipe.gif Pipe +60 Attack Toy Store $90,000 99999
Metal-Rod.gif Metal Rod +70 Attack Toy Store $122,500 99999
Golden-Rod.gif Golden Rod +70 Attack Gold Folding Chair
Crow-bar.gif Crow-bar +80 Attack Toy Store $160,000 99999
Wooden-Bat.gif Wooden Bat +100 Attack Toy Store $250,000 99999
Steel-Bat.gif Steel Bat +120 Attack Toy Store $360,000 99999
Police-Baton.gif Police Baton +140 Attack Toy Store $490,000 99999
Water-Pistol.gif Water Pistol +160 Attack Toy Store $640,000 99999
BB-Gun.gif BB-Gun +180 Attack Toy Store $810,000 99999
Revolver.gif Revolver +200 Attack Toy Store $1,000,000 99999
Desert-Eagle.gif Desert-Eagle +240 Attack Toy Store $1,440,000 99999
Shot-Gun.gif Shot-Gun +300 Attack Toy Store $2,250,000 99999
Mac-10.gif Mac-10 +350 Attack Toy Store $3,062,500 99999
Ak-47.gif Ak-47 +400 Attack Toy Store $4,000,000 99999
M16.gif M16 +500 Attack Toy Store $6,250,000 99999
Potato-Gun.gif Potato Gun +600 Attack SGHM
$9,000,000 99999
HK-G11.gif HK G11 +700 Attack Toy Store $12,250,000 99999
Chainsaw.gif Chainsaw +800 Attack Toy Store $16,000,000 99999
Lightsaber.gif Lightsaber +900 Attack Toy Store $20,250,000 99999
Thors-Hammer.gif Thor's Hammer +1000 Attack Playground $25,000,000 99999
Excalibur.gif Excalibur +1100 Attack Playground $30,250,000 99999
Power-Glove.gif Power Glove +1200 Attack Playground $36,000,000 99999
BFG.gif BFG +1300 Attack SGHM $3
Blaster.gif Blaster +1400 Attack Playground $49,000,000 99999
Phaser.gif Phaser +1500 Attack Pawn Shop $56,250,000 25,000 PP
25,000 PP
5,000 PP
Diamond-Shuriken.gif Diamond Shuriken +1600 Attack SGHM $3
Adamantium-Claws.gif Adamantium Claws +1700 Attack Pawn Shop $72,250,000 40,000 PP
40,000 PP
7,000 PP
Valyrian-Steel-Blade.gif Valyrian Steel Blade +1800 Attack Care Package
Gold-Folding-Chair.gif Gold Folding Chair +2000 Attack
Bonus Effects**
Weaponized-Bindle.gif Weaponized Bindle +2000 Attack
+5% Power
Bonus Effect**
HoboArena Reward
Water-Cannon.gif Water Cannon +2500 Attack
+10% Power
Side Wars Exploring
MHGA-Sign.gif MHGA Sign +2000 Attack
+5% Spd, Pwr, Str
Bonus Effect**
HoboArena Reward
Ratarang.gif Ratarang +2000 Attack
Bonus Effect**
HoboArena Reward
Hackeysack.gif Hackeysack +3000 Attack
Bonus Effect**
Parking Garage
(HoboArena only)

Gold-Pickaxe.gif Gold Pickaxe +Attack equal to your Mining Stat
Bonus Effect**
HoboArena Reward
Beggars-Bludgeon.gif Beggar's Bludgeon +Attack at x3 your Begging Stat
Bonus Effect**
HoboArena Reward

 !z 9999  !z $99999999 999999

* Awarded as a prize during the 6th UFC round on HoboArena.
** Bonus Effects are explained on the item's page.

Level-Based Weapons

Weapons that lose levels instead of gain levels are marked with a pink background.

Level-Based Weapons
Image Name Base Stats Stats Per Level Maxed Level Stats Location Special Effect
 !a 99999 99999 99999  !a  !a
Hacksaw.gif Hacksaw
Max Level: 50
+300 Attack -5 Attack +50 Attack City
(Intro Adventure)

Sting.gif Sting
Max Level: 50
+200 Attack +11 Attack
+5 Spd, Str, Pow
+750 Attack
+250 Spd, Str, Pow
(Adventure #1)

Coffee-Soaked-Mop.gif Coffee-Soaked Mop
Max Level: 50
+200 Attack +8 Attack +600 Attack Hoburbia
(Adventure #2)
Negates an opponent's status effect for the duration of the fight.
Balltop-Cane.gif Balltop Cane
Max Level: 50
+50 Attack +15 Attack
–5 Speed
+800 Attack
–250 Speed
(Adventure #2)
Unleashes its true potential when infused with Wonka's Spirit.*
Balltop-Cane.gif Balltop Cane
(Wonka Spirit Mode)*
Max Level: 50
+50 Attack
+3% Speed
+2% Power
+29 Attack
+0.33% Speed
+0.25% Power
+1500 Attack
+20% Speed
+15% Power

Can-Cannon.gif Can Cannon
Max Level: 50
+250 Attack +10 Attack +750 Attack Recycling Bin
(375 Recycling Points)
Each attack uses one can, doubling your damage.**
Hattori-Hanzo-Sword.gif Hattori-Hanzo Sword
Max Level: 50
+500 Attack +10 Attack
+10 Spd, Str, Pow
+1000 Attack
+500 Spd, Str, Pow
A very rare weapon gained by defeating Hobosaurus Rex.
Animal-Style-Blade.gif Animal Style Blade
Max Level: 90
+200 Attack +60 Attack
+30 Power***
+2000 Attack
+900 Power
(80 Food Stamps)
Starts at level 90 upon purchase and slowly decays over time.***
 !z -99999 -99999 -99999  !z  !z

* In order for your Balltop Cane to enter Wonka Spirit Mode, you must have the Wonka Spirit status effect active.
** Damage is doubled after your opponent's defense is subtracted from your attack. The Cannon now also bases its damage off of the user's base stats, so effects won't help. In addition, if you are firing the cannon while drunk there is a chance of it missing its target. The chance of this happening maxes out at 33% when you are fully drunk.
*** This Weapon loses 1 level every day. When it reaches level 30, this weapon loses 60 Attack and 30 Power per day over the next 30 days. Also, players wearing both the Animal Style Blade and the Goofy Paper Hat get a small chance of delivering critical hits in battles.


The following is a list of all the pieces of armor found in the game, as well as information pertaining to their stats, locations, and costs.

Basic Armor

Basic Armor
Image Name Stats Location Cost ($) Cost (PP)
 !a -9999  !a -$99999999 -999999
Plastic-Bag.gif Plastic Bag +4 Defense Toy Store $400 99999
Garbage-Bag.gif Garbage Bag +6 Defense Duncan's House $0
Paper-Bag.gif Paper Bag +8 Defense Toy Store $1,600 99999
Rags.gif Rags +12 Defense Toy Store $3,600 99999
Yellow-Jumpsuit.gif Yellow Jumpsuit +15 Defense Xmas Gift $1
Dress.gif Dress +20 Defense Toy Store $10,000 99999
Bloody-Prisoner-Uniform.gif Bloody Prisoner Uniform +25 Defense 7/11 Industrial Bin $2
Singlet.gif Singlet +30 Defense Toy Store $22,500 99999
T-Shirt.gif T-Shirt +40 Defense Toy Store $40,000 99999
Jacket.gif Jacket +50 Defense Toy Store $62,500 99999
Vest.gif Vest +60 Defense Toy Store $90,000 99999
Bin-Lid.gif Bin Lid +70 Defense Toy Store $122,500 99999
Ad-Sign.gif Ad Sign +80 Defense Toy Store $160,000 99999
Hazmat-Suit.gif Hazmat Suit +100 Defense Dark Pit‏‎
Bonus Effect**
Wooden-Shield.gif Wooden Shield +100 Defense Toy Store $250,000 99999
Jesters-Cap.gif Jester's Cap +100 Defense
Bonus Effects**
HoboArena Reward
Metal-Shield.gif Metal Shield +120 Defense Toy Store $360,000 99999
Plastic-Helmet.gif Plastic Helmet +140 Defense Toy Store $490,000 99999
Metal-Helmet.gif Metal Helmet +160 Defense Toy Store $640,000 99999
Chest-Armor.gif Chest Armor +180 Defense Toy Store $810,000 99999
Full-Body-Armor.gif Full-Body Armor +200 Defense Toy Store $1,000,000 99999
Bulletproof-Vest.gif Bulletproof Vest +240 Defense Toy Store $1,440,000 99999
Hi-Tech-Tuxedo.gif Hi-Tech Tuxedo +300 Defense Toy Store $2,250,000 99999
Bulletproof-Shield.gif Bulletproof Shield +350 Defense Toy Store $3,062,500 99999
Another-Hobo.gif Another Hobo +400 Defense Toy Store $4,000,000 99999
Riot-Shield.gif Riot Shield +500 Defense Toy Store $6,250,000 99999
Nippled-Breastplate.gif Nippled Breastplate +600 Attack SGHM
$9,000,000 99999
Double-Hobos.gif Double Hobos +700 Defense Toy Store $12,250,000 99999
Grizzly-Armor.gif Grizzly Armor +800 Defense Toy Store $16,000,000 99999
Tron-Armor.gif Tron Armor +900 Defense Toy Store $20,250,000 99999
Symbiote.gif Symbiote +1000 Defense Playground $25,000,000 99999
Iron-Man-Armor.gif Iron Man Armor +1100 Defense Playground $30,250,000 99999
Bad-to-the-Bone-T-Shirt.gif Bad to the Bone T-Shirt +1200 Defense Playground $36,000,000 99999
Fat-Suit.gif Fat Suit +1300 Defense SGHM $3
Eagle-Shirt.gif Eagle Shirt +1400 Defense Playground $49,000,000
Wolf-Shirt.gif Wolf Shirt +1500 Defense Pawn Shop $56,250,000 25,000 PP
25,000 PP
5,000 PP
Diamond-Tuxedo.gif Diamond Tuxedo +1600 Defense SGHM $3
Adamantium-Pasties.gif Adamantium Pasties +1700 Defense Pawn Shop $72,250,000 40,000 PP
40,000 PP
7,000 PP
Nights-Watch-Cloak.gif Nights Watch Cloak +1800 Defense Care Package $3
Amish-Hat.gif Amish Hat +2000 Defense The Amish
Status Effect
Bling-Necklace.gif Bling Necklace +2000 Defense
+5% Beg Cash
Bonus Effect**
HoboArena Reward
Viking-Helmet.gif Viking Helmet +2000 Defense
+3% Spd, Pwr, Str
Bonus Effect**
HoboArena Reward
Filthy-Socks.gif Filthy Socks +2000 Defense
+5% Spd & Str
Bonus Effect**
HoboArena Reward
MHGA-Hat.gif MHGA Hat +2000 Defense
Opponent -5% Spd, Pwr, Str
Bonus Effect**
HoboArena Reward
Championship-Belt.gif Championship Belt +2000 Defense
+10% Spd, Pwr, Str
Bonus Effect**
Mithril-Garbage-Bin.gif Mithril Garbage Bin +2500 Defense
+10% Strength
Side Wars Exploring
Juggernaut-Helmet.gif Juggernaut Helmet +4000 Defense
+10% Power
The Juggernutalicious
Status Effect
 !z 9999  !z $99999999 999999

* Awarded as a prize during the 6th UFC round on HoboArena.
** Bonus Effects are explained on the item's page.

Level-Based Armor

Armor that lose levels instead of gain levels are marked with a pink background.

Level-Based Armor
Image Name Base Stats Stats Per Level Maxed Level Stats Location Special Effect
 !a 99999 99999 99999  !a  !a
Mystery-Hat.gif Mystery Hat
Max Level: 50
+150 Defense +12 Defense
+15 Strength
+750 Defense
+750 Strength
(Adventure #1)

Mithril-Grocery-Bag.gif Mithril Grocery Bag
Max Level: 50
+150 Defense +12 Defense
+15 Speed
+750 Defense
+750 Speed
(Adventure #1)

Long-Black-Trenchcoat.gif Long Black Trenchcoat
Max Level: 50
+150 Defense +12 Defense
+15 Power
+750 Defense
+750 Power
(Adventure #3)

Utility-Belt.gif Utility Belt
Max Level: 50
+250 Defense +10 Defense +750 Defense Recycling Bin
(425 Recycling Points)
Gives random benefits in battle.
(See below.)
Full-Body-Trap.gif Full-Body Trap
Max Level: 50
+1000 Defense
+500 Strength
+10 Defense
+20 Strength
+1500 Defense
+1500 Strength
A very rare piece of armor gained by defeating Hobosaurus Rex.
Goofy-Paper-Hat.gif Goofy Paper Hat
Max Level: 90
+200 Defense +60 Defense
+30 Strength*
+2000 Defense
+900 Strength
(80 Food Stamps)
Starts at level 90 upon purchase and slowly decays over time.*
 !z -99999 -99999 -99999  !z  !z

* This armor loses 1 level every day. When it reaches level 30, this armor loses 60 Defense and 30 Strength per day over the next 30 days. Also, players wearing both the Animal Style Blade and the Goofy Paper Hat get a small chance of delivering critical hits in battles.

Utility Belt Benefits

Utility Belt Benefits
Level Unlocked Description
0 You hit a button on your utility belt and it starts playing a Panic at the Disco/Death Cab
For Cutie song! Your opponent feels kinda sissy! (Your opponent's strength is reduced by 10%.)
0 You hit a button on your utility belt and a net flies out, entangling your opponent and
slowing them down! (Your opponent's speed is reduced by 10%.)
0 You hit a button on your utility belt and a cloud of noxious gas shoots out, making your
opponent cough and weakening them! (Your opponent's power is reduced by 10%.)
10 You hit a button on your utility belt and a beam of pure nudity shoots out,
stripping your opponent of their armor's protection!
20 You hit a button on your utility belt and a bunch of weaksauce shoots out and hits your
opponent in the face! Your opponent's weapon stops functioning properly!
30 You hit a button on your utility belt and a bunch of ninja shuriken fly out,
striking your opponent in the face for great damage!
40 You hit a button on your utility belt and a tranquilizing needle flies out and hits your
opponent in the butt! Your opponent's power, strength, and speed are reduced by 5%!
(Single Battles Only)
You hit a button on your utility belt and a pair of dice fly out and land on snake eyes!
Your experience for this battle is increased by 50%!
(Multi Battles Only)
Your utility belt goes into overdrive! Your opponent drops their weapon and armor! Their weapon
falls on their foot! They take great damage! Their power, strength, and speed are reduced by 5%!


In HoboWars, rings give a raw stat bonus to your attack/defense and your speed, and may provide additional benefits. The most basic rings can be bought from the Punk at the Toy Store with points, while the more elaborate ones can be found at a variety of other places. Rings are placed in your Inventory upon being bought and can be equipped and unequipped from there. You can own multiple rings at once; at first, you can only equip one ring at a time, but, once you have acquired and equipped the Ring of Revelation, you will be able to equip up to two rings at the same time. You are able to sell back your rings at the Playground once you have talked to the old man on the Hobo Beach.

A unique property shared by all rings is that their stat bonuses are directly affected by your respect stat's type. If you have positive respect, your ring will give you bonuses to both your speed stat and your defense; if you have negative respect, your ring will give you bonuses to both your speed stat and your attack. On top of your ring's base stat bonus, you receive another bonus called a respect stat bonus. The amount of the respect stat bonus you receive is dependent upon the amount of respect you currently have.

(The stat bonuses shown on the following table are each ring's base stat bonuses. To find out your ring's total stat bonuses, add your ring's respect stat bonuses to your ring's base stat bonuses. You can also hover your mouse over the image of your ring in-game and read the alternate text to find out your ring's total stat bonuses. Please note that if a ring's base stat bonus is below zero that the actual stat bonus you receive from the ring will be zero.)

Basic Rings

Basic rings provide a bonus to your Attack/Defense and Speed stat but lack any other special effects. The Tattooed Kid will offer to buy back your basic rings for 2 points less than their purchase value at the Playground.

Image Name Base Stats Max Stats Location Cost
 !a 99999 99999  !a 99999
Plastic-Ring.gif Plastic Ring +100 Attack/Defense
+100 Speed
+850 Attack/Defense
+850 Speed
Toy Store 15 Points
Metal-Ring.gif Metal Ring +175 Attack/Defense
+175 Speed
+925 Attack/Defense
+925 Speed
Toy Store 20 Points
Silver-Ring.gif Silver Ring +250 Attack/Defense
+250 Speed
+1000 Attack/Defense
+1000 Speed
Toy Store 25 Points
Gold-Ring.gif Gold Ring +325 Attack/Defense
+325 Speed
+1075 Attack/Defense
+1075 Speed
Toy Store 30 Points
Gold-Ring-with-Diamond.gif Gold Ring with Diamond +400 Attack/Defense
+400 Speed
+1150 Attack/Defense
+1150 Speed
Toy Store 40 Points
 !z -99999 -99999  !z -99999

Special Rings

Most special rings work the same as basic rings but with the bonus of additional special effects. In order for rings' special effects to work, your respect rank must be higher than the Hobo respect level, a.k.a R–RANK 0; R–RANK = Respect Rank. The Tattooed Kid will accept trading your special rings in exchange for their respective basic ring and a Hobalt Chunk. Note that the Hybrid Ring, Ring of Revelation, and Suicide Ring cannot be traded, but the Hybrid Ring can later be sold for 5 points upon completing part of the April Fool's Day Mini Adventure

Once you have the ability to duel wield rings from the Ring of Revelation, you can equip two rings at once. Equipping two of the same rings DOES stack basic combat stats (Atk/Def and speed bonuses), but DOES NOT stack special abilities. If you equip two different rings (including any combination of basic and/or special), you receive the stacked combat stats and both special abilities.

Image Name Base Stats Max Stats Location Cost Special Effect
 !a 99999 99999  !a 99999  !a
Onion-Ring.gif Onion Ring +25 Atk/Def
+25 Speed
+775 Atk/Def
+775 Speed
In-N-Out Silver Ring
Hobalt Chunk
R±: (R–RANK)% chance to sprint in battle.
Sprinting multiplies your speed roll by 2.5 and adds 1000 to it.
Rodent-Ring.gif Rodent Ring +25 Atk/Def
+25 Speed
+775 Atk/Def
+775 Speed
Pet Shop Gold Ring
Ring Setting
Hobalt Chunk
R+: +2(R–RANK)% rat Defense in hobo battles.
R–: +(R–RANK)% rat Attack and Speed in hobo battles.
Respect-Ring.gif Respect Ring +0 Atk/Def
+0 Speed
+0 Atk/Def
+0 Speed
Night Club Plastic Ring
Ring Setting
Hobalt Chunk
R±: +5(20 - R–RANK)% respect gains.
Attack and win against 30 same-type respect players to flip your respect type.
Green-Lantern-Ring.gif Green Lantern Ring +25 Atk/Def
+25 Speed
+775 Atk/Def
+775 Speed
Recycling Bin Metal Ring
Ring Setting
Hobalt Chunk
R+: Randomly summons 10(R–RANK) to 100(R–RANK) armor.
R–: Randomly summons a 10(R–RANK) to 100(R–RANK) weapon.
Summoned equipment stacks with currently equipped equipment.
Ring-Pop.gif Ring Pop +25 Atk/Def
+25 Speed
+775 Atk/Def
+775 Speed
Candy Store Plastic Ring
Ring Setting
Hobalt Chunk
R±: Gives you a random candy effect in battle if you don't already have one.
Beggar-Ring.gif Beggar Ring +0 Atk/Def
+0 Speed
+0 Atk/Def
+0 Speed
City Hall Gold Ring
Ring Setting
Hobalt Chunk
R+:   +[ 2 + (R–RANK / 4) ]% begging experience.
+(R–RANK / 4)% chance of begging rewards.
R–:   +[ 2 + (R–RANK / 4) ]% chance of begging rewards.
+(R–RANK / 4)% begging experience.
Fight-Club-Ring.gif Fight Club Ring +25 Atk/Def
+25 Speed
+775 Atk/Def
+775 Speed
Parking Garage Plastic Ring
Ring Setting
Hobalt Chunk
R±: 2.5(R–RANK)% chance of initiating a bare-knuckle brawl.
Increases the level of all Fight Club opponents by 400 when equipped.
Kobayashi-Ring.gif Kobayashi Ring +25 Atk/Def
+25 Speed
+775 Atk/Def
+775 Speed
WalMart Plastic Ring
Ring Setting
Hobalt Chunk
[ 5(R–RANK) / 9 ]% chance to eat a HotDog after winning a battle.
1% chance to eat a Half a HotDog during battle to regain (R–RANK)% of your life.
(Mouseover for more information.)
Livestrong-Ring.gif Livestrong Ring +0 Atk/Def
+0 Speed
+550 Atk/Def
+550 Speed
Hospital Metal Ring
Ring Setting
Hobalt Chunk
Gives you [ BASE LIFE STAT × ( R–RANK / 100 ) ]
more life at the beginning of a battle.
For Equalized UFCs, it gives you [ 3000(R–RANK) ]
more life at the beginning of a battle.
Hybrid-Ring.gif Hybrid Ring +0 Atk/Def
+0 Speed
+0 Atk/Def
+0 Speed
Parking Garage
Causes cars to use 3(R–RANK)% less gas.
Suicide-Ring.gif Suicide Ring +750 Atk/Def
+750 Speed
+1525 Atk/Def
+1525 Speed
Side Wars Exploring
Gives you the ability to suicide at will.
You do not automatically heal at reset.
Ring-of-Revelation.gif Ring of Revelation +0 Atk/Def
+0 Speed
+0 Atk/Def
+0 Speed
Mines 250 Hobalt Shards Once it is equipped, it explodes, knocking you unconscious and giving you the permanent ability to equip two rings at once.
After the ring explodes, it disappears.
Engagement-Ring.gif Engagement Ring +25 Atk/Def
+25 Speed
+775 Atk/Def
+775 Speed
Multiplies the attack and defense of weapons and armor by a factor of 5 for ALL fighters in battle.
Gemini-Ring.gif Gemini Ring +100 Atk/Def
+100 Speed
+950 Atk/Def
+950 Speed
Haunted House

Creates a Doppleganger to (R-) attack or (R+) defend for you in battle, lasts 2 months.
Chewing-Gum-Ring.png Chewing Gum Ring +400 Atk/Def
+400 Speed
+1150 Atk/Def
+1150 Speed
HoboArena Reward
Steals an opponent's ring and gains its benefits for duration of battle.
Toothpuff-Ring.gif Toothpuff Ring +400 Atk/Def
+400 Speed
+1150 Atk/Def
+1150 Speed
HoboArena Reward
Use cheap pawnables in battle for various benefits. Can explore city and find pawnables. Can be pawned once per day. Can be donated to gang.
Gang-Ring.gif Gang Ring 625 Atk/Def
+625 Speed
+1375 Atk/Def
+1375 Speed
Gang Armory
Increases gang exp earned from fights and allows gang exp to be earned via begging.
Wonka-Ring.gif Wonka Ring +0 Atk/Def
+0 Speed
+0 Atk/Def
+0 Speed
Dark Pit
Prevents Status Effects from being mopped. Can boost level-able Equipment lvls in battle while using the Wonka Spirit status effect.
 !z -99999 -99999  !z -99999  !z