Viking Helmet

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Viking Helmet
Supercategory Equipment
Category Armor
Subcategory Event Armor
Version Availability HoboWars
Facebook HoboWars

The Viking Helmet is an armor that adds +2,000 Defense, adds +10 levels to levelable weapons, and provides a bonus of +3% to your speed, power, and strength stats when equipped. Awarded as a prize for winning a HoboArena category, this armor can be sold on SGHM and donated to gangs.

There is a limit of 3 Viking Helmets awarded per completed HoboArena round. Furthermore, these are distributed across HoboWars, HoboWars2, and Facebook HoboWars. This makes them extremely rare and highly valuable.

List of Locations and Costs

Location Cost
HoboWars HoboWars2 Facebook HoboWars HoboArena
HoboArena Top 3 in Collective War Points Top 3 in Collective War Points Top 3 in Collective War Points
SGHM $$$ $$$ $$$

Other Notes

Selling Back

This armor cannot be sold back to the game.